Better Access to Better Food in Providence

Hours of Operation

Pantry Hours

Tuesday | 11am-1pm

Thursday | 4pm-7pm

Saturday | 11am-1pm

533 Branch Ave., Providence, RI | Serving the 02904, 02903 and 02908 zip codes.

Please bring a photo ID, proof of current address and shopping bag. More information.

On April 1-2, Rhode Islanders will support their favorite causes during this annual event devoted to charitable giving in our state. 

We hope you'll consider donating to YNFP on our dedicated page on the 401Gives site. The need is greater than ever in today's hard times, when:

Click on the image here to learn more about what we do, and thanks for any support you can give!

Hard Times

A staggering number of Rhode Island households cannot always afford adequate food: nearly two out of five, according to the RI Food Bank's 2024 report.

And now, RI families in need face even more uncertainty. It's not just about the crude funding cuts in Washington. Here in our state, the governor has proposed gutting the RI Food Bank. 

As a member of the Food Bank Network, YNFP helps fill the gap for hundreds of Providence families. Three things you can do:

Volunteers Make It Happen

Want to join our volunteer corps? Info here.

Click here to watch Temple Emanu-El volunteers in action.

We Are YNFP!

Click the image below and listen to Donver's inspiring story of turning adversity into action, as a co-founder of YNFP.

YNFP Featured
in the Press

Each year, Giving Tuesday is the day when millions of people across the globe come together to celebrate generosity, share kindness and drive philanthropic giving.

Providence Monthly joined in this global movement by shining a spotlight on local problems and solutions. We're so gratified to have shared that spotlight with Providence nonprofits who are all part of the solution.

You can read the article here.

People served monthly at RI food pantries (January to September 2023 and 2024). Read more findings from the RI Food Bank's 2024 Status Report.

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